Basket Ball

torsdag 4 november 2010

The Future

So is basketball become Sweden's most accessible national sport

2010-09-16 10:23

Becoming "Sweden's most accessible national sport" is the Swedish Basketball League's vision. Its organizational inquiry has interpreted the vision and developed a general proposal for how to organize basketball in Sweden in the future. Kaj Krantz, and Thomas Pearson, two involved in the organization description. Here you can read a bit about what they have to say on the subject.

Swedish Basketball League organizational investigation has for a long time examining weaknesses and potential in today's business and interpreted the vision of becoming "Sweden's most accessible national sport". In the days presented a proposal the measures (see link).

-The proposal builds on the basic question of how we become Sweden's most accessible national sport. In order to achieve the vision we have set a target which, according to our calculations, to get us there - in 2025 to one in ten 20-year-old in Sweden to be a basketball player. For this to become reality requires a completely different time than we had in the past, Kaj says Krantz.

The proposal for a solution, as an organization investigation has concluded, will provide better conditions for achieving the shared vision. It streamlines administration, create an organization that engages more and develop democracy in basketball. Organization The report proposes initial creation of twelve Basketball Development Center (BUC) instead of the District Basketball Association (BDF) available today. The idea is to bring together management of training and racing on fewer points, thus freeing resources to have staff on BUC who work with the sport's development.

"We think we need more. It will obviously require new and greater resources. But as we become more so, we will also be able to broaden our revenue. Probably also a shift from resource-rich to resource-poor necessary. We want the business to be conducted with the same terms and conditions wherever in the country you hold to, says Thomas Persson.

The idea is to have a balanced geographical distribution of these twelve BUC. They must have staff and include, if possible, an elite club and a basketgymnasium. In addition, a board that is connected to the unions there. The Board of Directors, all compounds being represented.

"If we reach our vision, so there will be about 300 000 who play basketball in Sweden for 20 years. It will require an enormous amount of work to achieve the vision, but is it a good vision should look like, says Krantz.

While the important work of identifying gaps and potential business is done, nothing is definite. All thoughts are not meant and that is why the draft is for consultation. By 26 November the Swedish Basketball League's members to speak up and Repskap November 20 is also a chance to discuss issues with others involved. In March, held its annual Congress and then the publisher pushed through the general proposal. However, no detailed and complete plan will be then. Organization study will instead be told if their line is upheld, and whether to continue to work under it or if it is going to change. For the publishing house to become a reality, it must then be translated in the statute (the federal and intermediate level). There are old structures that have to be dismantled and new ones must be built up.

-The funniest thing about this work is to think about how Swedish basketball could be even better. One conclusion that we drew in the investigative team, was that it was not enough to make small changes. We have strong support in our study materials. The question is how to make this world sport as much as it should be in Sweden, says Pearson.

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